by SandWyrm

So I try to connect to Netflix tonight, and either nothing comes up, or I get an error message saying that Netflix is having a problem. This persists for over an hour.

Suspicious, I then I connect to a VPN service, which encrypts my connection so that my ISP (Brighthouse) can't tell who I'm connecting to. Wanna guess what happens?

Netflix comes right up.

I then turn off the WiFi on my phone and connect through cellular (Verizon). Netflix comes right up.

So if you're having this problem tonight, blame the real culprit, not Netflix. This is what happens without net neutrality. Any ISP can shake down any internet site or service by blocking, or otherwise messing with the delivery of the data that you and I have already paid that ISP to deliver.

Put simply: They want to be paid twice for the same work. Screw them!

Don't know what net neutrality is? Watch this John Oliver video: