I'm not dead, just really really busy with uni, and work- like "wake up at 6am and don't get home until 1am the next day" kinda busy. Like really complicated maths and science busy.
So yeah, posting's going down the chute at the moment
On the plus? side, plastic Chaos marine "havocs" are for preorder. Sure they're long fangs, but
- They're 5 realitively chaotic looking dudes (kit bash chaos stuff instead of beards and trim the fur, obviously)
- You get a SM devastator box cheaper than the devastators themselves (here, $41 for long fangs and $55 for devs, 14 bucks cheaper for KAY-OSSS)
- Alla dem lascannons, heavy bolters, and stuff. Sure you can't use the Plasma cannons and Multimeltas, but I guess they could factor into obliterator conversions and maybe combi-melta conversions.
In other news (sorry if I'm jumping, just wanna be brief so snapping off points and stuff) my regular SM colour scheme has been chosen. It was chosen from 2007 onwards.
Blood Ravens. because Dawn of War.
Peace out \m/