So I'll go ahead and warn now, this is going to be a bit long of a post.  I want to get my entire 21st Striker Regiment as it stands right now all in one post to reference to as well as to show it off a bit.

As I've said before, Murl had gifted me with 16 pages of Eridani Light Horse material from an early FASA publication.  This stuff includes a complete TOE for the entire force, a breakdown of the monthly expenses for each unit including pay, monthly supply and maintenance costs, overhead, etc.  All the details you'd need to really run the unit.  Plus this material contained the normal background fluff, rank markings, uniforms, etc, and the part I loved best, a complete roster list.  It's got every lance and platoon listed out with pilot or squad leader name, level of experience (green, veteran, elite, etc.), and what equipment.  I also acquired some decals from Fighting Pirannha Graphics that Archon Vortil has been assisting me with as I can't do decals for crap.
The TOE for the entire Eridani Light Horse
Cost and Upkeep Breakdown
Fighting Pirannha Decals, nice quality and reasonable prices
Now then, while I've used the TOE, I haven't stuck to it mech by mech but rather by weight class and role for the most part.  I also kept the names of the major officers like Regimental, Battalion, and Company commanders, but names beyond that have been changed (cause FASA was bad at naming the 3rd guy in the 5th lance, etc).

Unit Collection Coding
X  = Fully Painted, Based, and Decal-ed
*  = Fully Painted and Based
-   = Fully Painted
o  = Model Owned

So, first up is the 21st Striker Regiment Command Company which is missing two tanks and a mech that are part of the artillery lance to protect the Long Toms.  I've got a pair of Demolishers on order to fill in part of that space.  I'm still deciding on the mech.  TOE has a Rifleman in the slot, but I haven't decided yet.

Command Company
Regimental Command Lance

*    Colonel Charles K. Winston, Cyclops
*    Captain George Horten, Novacat
*    Captain Xavier Trompe, Bowman
*    Lt. Heather Broxtin, Quickdraw
Security Lance
*    Captain Paul Hauser, Novacat
*    Lt. Kevin DeSoto, Hunchback
*    Lt. Tomas Gage, Hunchback
*    Lt. Elliot Sheridan, Madcat
Artillery Lance
    Captain Geoffrey Watkins,
*    Lt. Greerson Holland, Long Tom
*    Lt. Carson Tainer, Long Tom
*    Lt. Howard Redmann, Long Tom
*    Lt. Olivia Winslowe, Long Tom
    Lt, Oleg Planatov,
    Lt. Ian O'Kennesy,
1st Infantry Platoon - Motorized Infantry
    Lt. Walter Allenby
*    Sgt. Douglas Haig, Trucks
*    Cpl. James Fisher, Trucks
*    Cpl. Henry Prescott, Trucks
*    Cpl. John Howe, Trucks
2nd Infantry Platoon - Mechanized Infantry
    Lt. Robert Paine
-    Sgt. Doug Steele - Hover Transport
-    Cpl. Amanda Hallister - Hover Transport
-    Cpl. Edmund Burdette - Hover Transport
-    Cpl. William Bagwell - Hover Transport

Next up is the 5th Striker Lance which was just recently started.  I've got a Seydlitz Fighter coming to pair with the lone Dagger to finish the one lance.  I'm still needing 4 more Aerospace Fighters to finish the 25th Heavy Assault Company.  That company is also light in weight class compared to the TOE if/when I start the 3rd Striker Battalion, I will probably slide some of the lighters over into the new unit to put in some heavier mechs to get closer to what's in the TOE.
5th Striker Battalion (Dirkson's Dragonslayers)
Battalion Command Lance (Dirkson's Guards)

o    Major Earl Dirkson, Daishi
o    Captain Claude Tomaslin, Mad Cat
o    Lt. Elise Pienaar, Mad Cat
o    Lt. Coleman Hauser, Orion
4th Company (Pinter's Axmen)
Command Lance

-    Captain Daniel Pinter, Vulture
-    Ryan Wilson, Quickdraw
-    Jillian Giessepe, Grizzley
o    Quentin Veerland, Victor
Strike Lance
-    Lt. Kevin Baird, Awesome
*    Ethan Burke, Enforcer
-    Phillip Cantrell, Crusader
-    Diane Lancaster, Catapult
Recon Lance
o    Lt. Charles Hawestead, Wasp
-    Jason Mannfred, Wolverine
-    Catherine Bennett, Grasshopper
-    Randall Waters, Wasp
Air Lance
-    Lt. Thomas Knowles, Dagger Aerospace Fighter
-    Anthony Wilson, Dagger Aerospace Fighter

7th Company (Tanaka's Company)
Command Lance

-    Captain Tian Tanaka, Dragon
-    Janet McCrory, Jagermech
-    Dennis O'Donnell, Trebuchet
*    Sergei Nakamura, Whitworth
Strike Lance
o    Lt. Shannon Bronskie, Orion
o    Fiona Northbrooke, Daishi
o    Oleg Altunin, Victor
o    Leonard Taussig, Centurian
Recon Lance
-    Lt. Eric Jacobs, Jenner
-    Vasiliy Krepkie, Cicada
-    Jillian Clarkson, Commando
-    Samuel Young, Assassin
Air Lance
-    Lt. Irene Jameson, Dagger Aerospace Fighter
    Ian Brentley

25th Heavy Assault Company (Seflo's Sledgehammers)
Command Lance

o    Captain Misha Selfo, Battlemaster
o    Victor Longe, Grasshopper
-    Deidre Hauser, Dervish
-    Oliver Sternman, Dervish
Strike Lance
o    Lt. Cole Portson, Centurian
*    Hitoshi Katasumi, Whitworth
o    Natasha Solchava, Javelin
o     Alfred Lynch, Javelin
1st Air Lance
    Lt. Ian Andrassy
    Hans Coldewe
2nd Air Lance
    Lt. Kosei Masaki
    Aleksei Beregov

Coming up next is the 7th Striker Battalion.  All this unit is missing is basing the two Aerospace fighters and then decaling the rest of the unit.

7th Striker Battalion (Nigel's Nightslayers)
Battalion Command Lance (Nigel's Guards)

X    Major Jameson Nigel, Flashman
*    Captain Ian Branscombe, Cyclops
*    Lt. Blake Holmes, Zeus
*    Lt. Emily Haerdesky, Victor
11th Company (Pelham's Company)
Red Seven Lance

*    Captain Timothy Pelham, Dragon
*    Madilyn Pritchart, Quickdraw
*    Paul Malherbe, Awesome
*    Douglas Brandei, Highlander
Blue Seven Lance
*    Lt. Li Hsien, Wolverine
*    Andrea Oates, Dervish
*    Matthew Tourni, Valkyrie
*    Elliot Sullivan, Valkyrie
Gold Seven Lance
*    Lt. Harold Crane, Catapult
X    Mark Bronson, Archer
*    Andrew Holbrook, Trebuchet
*    Elaine Hathoway, Catapult
12th Company (Lightning Company)
Silver Lance

*    Captain Elizabeth Henke, Wolverine
*    Jeffery Olmsted, Wolverine
*    Shannon Allenby, Panther
*    Eric Donovan, Thorn
Black Lance
*    Lt. Vincent McCrory, Griffin
*    Marc Baird, Hollander, Wolverine
*    James Cross, Quickdraw
*    Chelsea Dobbs, Grasshopper
Purple Lance
*    Lt. Lisa Brackhaven, Wolverine
X    Sean Boehlert, Jenner
X    Neil Crowley, Jenner
*    Sheila Banich, Raven
Brown Lance
o    Lt. Ivan Chernov, Dagger Aerospace Fighter
o    Trent Mayhew, Dagger Aerospace Fighter
27th Company (Wolfhounds)
Green Lance
*    Major Pierre Bouchard, Highlander
*    Andrea Clavell, Catapult
*    Malcolm Forbes, Enforcer
*    Ibrahim Ghosn, Dragon
White Lance
*    Lt. Lloyd Bancroft, Grasshopper
*    Timothy Leahy, Wolverine
*    Katherine Burke, Valkyrie
*    Roger Waterly, Valkyrie
Platinum Lance
*    Lt. Edmund Dempsey, Centurian
*    Elliot Watkinson. Wolfhound
*    Terrence Pretloe, Centurian
*    Jessica Hearns, , Centurian

The last unit of the Regiment is the 1st Armored Infantry Battalion.  This unit needs a base of halftrack infantry still (I only have one left and need two for the base), get the motorized engineers on a base, and then 3 Mechs for the Command Lance and 4 Mechs for the AA Lance.  All 7 of these mechs will be here when Robotech finally ships.  The engineer platoon is just infantry in the original TOE but having some engineers in a unit like this only makes sense so I made the adjustment.  The two extra tanks at the front of the picture are 40K Epic Baneblades that I'm using as Gurteltier Main Battle Tanks.  They'll take the place of the Rommel/Pattons in post 3080 year games.  The two command track vehicles are also additions on my part because 1. they make sense and 2. they were fun to convert.
1st Armored Infantry Battalion (Mighty Mites)
Battalion Command Lance

*    Major Samuel Perrow, Victor
    Captain Brian Braddock, Warhammer
    Lt. Amanda Sydon, Warhammer
    Lt. Tim Phillips, Rifleman
Tin Can Company
Command Lance

*    Captain Klaus Hesse, Von Luckner
*    Lt. Andrew Fisher. Von Luckner
*    Sgt. Will Yeats, Von Luckner
*    Sgt. Joe Fairmount, Rommel/Patton
*    Sgt. Bradley Sinclair, Rommel/Patton
Strike Lance
*    Lt Llewellyn Trent, Ontos
*    Sgt. Simon Griffith, Ontos
*    Sgt. Doug Puller, Ontos
*    Sgt. Jamie Redmund, Ontos
*    Sgt. Collin Westworth, Hetzer
*    Sgt. Linnet Paulus, Hetzer
Recon Lance
*    Lt. Owen Rache, Saladin
*    Sgt. Edward Niven, Saladin
*    Sgt. Amanda Downing, Saladin
*    Sgt. David Brogues, Saladin
*    Sgt. Victor Ramius, Pegasus
*    Sgt. Nikolai Bondarenko, Pegasus
Alpha Company
*    Captain Lila Oakwood, Mobile Command Vehicle
1st Platoon - Motorized Infantry
    Lt. Hector Torres
*    Sgt. George Osbourne, Trucks
*    Cpl. Allison Blaire, Trucks
*    Cpl. Ian O'Cleary, Trucks
*    Cpl. Jason Allenby, Trucks
2nd Platoon - Mechanized Infantry
    Lt. Tuck Miller
*    Sgt. Owen Yardley, Halftracks
*    Cpl. Chris Morrigan, Halftracks
*    Cpl. James Holmes, Halftracks
*    Cpl. Abigail O'Reilly, Halftracks
3rd Platoon - Mechanized Infantry
    Lt. Richard Diego
*    Sgt. Steve MacGarrett, Halftracks
*    Cpl. Daniel Bull, Halftracks
*    Cpl. Olivet Theisman, Halftracks
    Cpl. Seth Maerkas
4th Platoon - Mechanized Infantry
    Lt. Vince Tulane
*    Sgt. Patricia Parks, Goblin Medium Tank
*    Cpl. Nathan Holmes, Goblin Medium Tank
*    Cpl. Richard Pressby, Goblin Medium Tank
*    Cpl. Dayvid Webley, Goblin Medium Tank
Bravo Company
*    Captain Katherine Burke, Mobile Command Vehicle
1st Platoon - Jump Infantry
    Lt. Nathaniel Greer
*    Sgt. Eduard Altunin
*    Cpl. David Tabanne
*    Cpl, Lionel Foley
*    Cpl. Percy Neville
2nd Platoon - Battle Armor Infantry
    Lt. Erica Tansey
*    Sgt. Franklin Owens
*    Cpl. Vincent Lewis
*    Cpl, Ernest Wexton
*    Cpl. Ilya Vaneyev
3rd Platoon - Battle Armor Infantry
    Lt. Jeffrey Moore
*    Sgt. Mikhail Taussig
*    Cpl. Sean Ambrose
*    Cpl, Grigori Dalmatov
*    Cpl. Elliot Slater
4th Platoon - Engineers
    Lt. Colin MacGuire
*    Sgt. Edward Harding, Engineering Vehicle
*    Cpl. Perry Gibbons, Engineering Vehicle
*    Cpl, James Candless, Engineering Vehicle
    Cpl. Anthony Troubridge, Engineers
Boomer Company
Command Lance
*    Captain Paul Sandoval, Sturmfeur
*    Lt. Manfred VanGeller, Sturmfeur
*    Lt. Trevor Gillespee, LRM Carrier
*    Lt. Victoria Pollack, LRM Carrier
*    Lt. Emilio Ortiz, LRM Carrier
*    Lt. Sonya Lindh, LRM Carrier
AA Lance
    Lt. Thomas Clavell, Rifleman
    Jon Waverly, Rifleman
    Gwen Herdez, Longbow
    Eamon O'Neil, Longbow

And that's where my force stands right now.  Still a lot of work to do but I'm pretty pleased with how it's coming along over the past 8 or 9 months.  I'm hoping to have all that is currently here finished and units completed by the end of the year and then I'll start thinking about the last Striker Battalion after that.  Hope you all enjoyed the breakdown and such as much as I've enjoyed working on them all.