Its been quite a bit since I posted anything over here! Its not because I haven't been busy, I've just been neglecting the blog! Bad Smells Like Wargaming! Bad!
This time though, I took a little time to paint up an army I've had sitting in boxes for a couple of years. I got the better part of a Grey Knights army from my buddy Magilla Gurilla when he was getting out of 40k. With grand plans and ideas...they sat on the shelf...and sat...then moved to a box...then sat some more. But no longer! This army consists of:
- Kaldor Draigo
- Castellan Crowe
- Brotherhood Champion
- Grey Knights Librarian in Terminator Armor
- Nemesis Dreadknight with Greatsword and Heavy Psycannon.
- One 5 man Purifier Squad with two halberds, a Daemonhammer, and two Psycannons.
- One 5 man Purgation Squad with a halberd and 4 incinerators.
- Two 5 man Strike Squads with three halberds, 1 Daemonhammer, and a Psycannon.
- 1 Razorback, perfect for the Purifiers and Crowe (Who is finally an IC!)
Enough chatter though, pictures!
The entire army in all its glory! Sorry for the washout on the Dreadknight, couldn't use the lightbox on that shot!
Brotherhood Champion, done using the Emperor's Champion model with some added bits. Perfect for both small and large point games!
Castellan Crowe, such a beautiful model to work on!
The big daddy himself, Lord Kaldor Draigo! This is the old pewter one too, so no worries on Finecast issues!
Both Crowe and Draigo have their names painted on the back of their cloaks!
The Librarian. Changed his hand from the pistol to a psychic-casting one from the Terminators box.
The Nemesis Dreadknight! Love this model, he's now a beast and perfect for ending your opponent's flying circus of Daemons!
Can't go wrong with a giant sword of death!
First five Terminators/Paladins. The squad is entirely tricked out so Draigo and the Librarian can join with them in Daemonic destruction!
Lots of fun with the faces!
And the other five paladins!
The Banner can represent the Brotherhood Banner or the new relic banner in the book!
Purgation Squad, complete with incinerators galore! They're painted to match the Strike Squads too, so you can swap out Psycannons for Incinerators as your heart pleases!
Every sergeant has freehanding of some kind on their back banner!
Also included are two psilencers, in case you'd prefer to swap them into any of the squads!
Purifiers in all their glory! These guys are designed to join Crowe in the Razorback, and their white gear and white back banner help distinguish them from your Strike Squads.
Speaking of their Razorback! The turret still moves up, down, and rotates, while the Storm Bolter is in place.
Strike Squad #1!
And Strike Squad #2!
Uh oh, the Daemons have shown up! They're still no match for the Emperor's finest though!
I'm asking $1200 OBO for the army, and the eBay listing can be found HERE! You can contact me at SmellsLikeWargaming at hotmail dot com if interested or want more details! I do ship internationally too! Be sure to add this powerful force to your collection today and give them a loving, daemon-banishing home today!
Whew! Alrighty, next up are Necrons and Mechanicus-themed Knight Titans, so I've got my work cut out for me!
Stay tuned!