Here's the latest addition to my Mechanicum collection, another Castellax picked up in the same trade as the three Thallax I mentioned in an earlier post. 

As I already have two Thallax wielding multi-meltas, I wanted to try a Darkfire Cannon conversion for my fourth Castellax. The Darkfire is made from an old melta weapon from the Inquisitor range, I'm not sure what that weapon was called. Dragon Forge cables join the cannon to the power source which is an inverted homing beacon from (I think) the Battle for Macragge boxed set. Please let me know if I've screwed up any of these things.

Anyway, This model is now awaiting primer so that I can get stuck into painting ALL the automata : )

And while you're checking this out, I invite you to check out the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation project for 2014. For a minimum purchase of 10 tickets ($10) you could win one of five great armies.

Please check it out and donate HERE. Only six days left.
