This summer has been a rather exciting and busy time for the hobby and gaming in general for me.  It all began with the release of the new Wood Elves army book in May and the subsequent release of several new kits for the army.  That release began the new army project I have been working on all summer which is the creation of a massive Wood Elf army that can be used in various incarnations and point values.  Soon after the release of the Wood Elves army book, Games Workshop released the 7th edition of Warhammer 40k.

The new edition release for 40k renewed my interest in the game and resulted in the shelving of all my old previous 40k models and the foundations started to create my new Eldar army soon as the Wood Elves are completed.  Just as my focus had realigned itself on my Wood Elves (which I had spent pretty much every night for months painting) then Dungeons and Dragons released their newest edition, 5th.  That resulted in the subsequent decision to DM a campaign with a few friends on Tuesday nights.  Prior to that we had the releases of the Space Wolves, Orks, and Grey Knights for 40k and then Guardians of the Galaxy came out in the theater.

Guardians of the Galaxy prompted me to finally just give in and subscribe to Marvel Unlimited in order to read the hundreds of comics I used to collect.  This followed by the Disney explosion of Princess Sofia and other Disney Princess paraphernalia in my house has prompted me to also collect Hirst Arts molds to create a Disney Princess castle for my girls.

So that said let us review my army projects, hobby projects and items to collect over the summer and moving forward.

Army Projects:

1. The Great Hunt, War Host of Athel Loren

To collect and paint:
- Waywatcher Lord model
- Spellsinger model 
- Great weapon character
- Spellsinger on Unicorn
- 15 Glade Guard
- 15 Glade Guard
- 12 Dryads
- 20 Eternal Guard
- 20 Wildwood Rangers
- 6 Wild Riders
- 6 Wild Riders
- 8 Sisters of Thorn
- Treeman
- Treeman Ancient

To touch up and update:
Waywatcher Lord
Battle Standard Bearer
10 Waywatchers

2. Limited Edition Wood Elves Army Book
3. Limited Edition Dark Elves Army Book
4. Limited Edition High Elves Book
5. 7th Edition Rules Compendium

Marvel Comics: (Story arcs)
6. Infinity Gauntlet Compendium
7. Infinity Gauntlet Companion
8. Civil War

Dungeons and Dragons
9. Players Handbook
10. Starter Set

Dark Heresy
11. 2nd edition Dark Heresy

Hirst Arts:
12.  Castle Mold #40
13.  Castle Mold #50
14.  Castle Mold #60
15.  Castle Mold #52
16.  Castle Mold #86
17.  Castle Mold #200
18.  Castle Mold #203

19.  Retribution of Scyrah 50 pt army (collected but not painted)
20.  Circle Orboros 50 pt army (collected but not painted)

21.  Ipad

22. Display Board for OFCC 2014
23. Disney Princess Castle
24.  Design and purchase new Eldar army to replace old models/paint job.

So as you can see its been a very busy summer for me and I'm not yet even close to being done with some of my newer projects (read: Disney Princess Castle, Eldar Army, Retribution of Scyrah and Circle Orboros armies)

Guess everyone can look forward to some more updates in the up and coming months!