Did you guys/gals know I had a blog? Apparently I'd forgotten that I have one.
What is up, oh fearless denizens of the interweb?
It's been a long while since I've posted, as it's been hard to find time to
a) do stuffs
b) take photos and write about it.
Long story short, in the past month or so I've paid several bills which hast eaten thy hobby money to the point where I hast realised that I should actually spend time, not money on painting my stuff.
In light of that revelation, my nomads for infinity teh game have finally been undercoated/primed. I'm super scared of stripping the paint off my riot grrl as the helmet has tiny fiddly bits. D: Apart from that everyone else is now a nice bland grey.
Space Oz attitude wise :D |
I also had Saruman appear in a morning coffee while waiting for a rheumatologist appointment. He must've though he could corrupt my warlocky ways into working for Sauron. I downed the coffee and thought about Sauron's dental plan, cuz every self-respecting evildoer has a good dental plan.
Then there's the ongoing havoc kitbashing from the last post...
It's advisable to collect loyal marines as 5/8 weapons can be utilised by chaos, leaving 2 Plasma cannons and a Multi-melta spare.
I also disapprove of GW stating "XX components!" as a reason for price hikes, as one lascannon is six parts. SIX! T_T I am gonna hate scraping mold lines, though I shall do it.
And finally, there's Da Red Snowmorkbeel. Currently unpainted and in need of gubbinz.
Until the next time!
The Warlock