Saturday, the 18th of October. Players from all walks of life will be converging on Stratford Ontario Canada to participate in the 6th annual Michael Mudd Memorial Tournament! There are still 30 spots left, so if you would like to sign up, all proceeds go to support the local Humaine Society animal shelter in Michaels name. This year, the tournament is also part of the Independent Tournament Circuit (Frontline Gaming) so you can be ranked for it. It is a friendly, three round, tournament. 1750pts, No allies, No forgeworld… just to have a good time and play some games.
HERE is the Facebook page! - go over there and click “like”
HERE is the Player pack! - instructions on how to sign up and what not is also on there, or message the facebook page.
The Tournament has come a long way since its first year! Here is the trophy that we gave away in 2009 the first year we held the tournament in Mikes name.
Here are some pics of the games, all the way back then!Some Sallies take on some Sisters of Battle:
And another from 2009 (do you see some similarities from then till now?)
And then the hall from Last year! (2013 at the current tournament location, the Army Navy Hall)
Cant wait for this years! The dark kin will make an appearance once more to honour a great hobbyist, gamer and friend.
If you have any questions, fire them off!
Skari - out.