Howdy folks!

I was lucky enough to get a chance to work on the new Nagash model for a client! Finished him up a couple days ago, I'm a touch behind with posting pictures unfortunately! Speaking of which...

Nagash in all his glory! This model is huge, standing several inches taller than a Knight Titan! The base was done with some extra GW Zombie pieces, a gate from the Garden of Morr kit, and autumn leaves from Secret Weapon Miniatures. 

The client allowed for some creative freedom while still sticking mostly to the official scheme. I wanted both shoulderpads to be bone, while I opted for a brighter green for the ethereal spirits. 

He's incredibly imposing, and its best to leave him in pieces while painting. I did the robes first, then worked into Nagash himself. The head and book was done separate from that to allow work on his torso and arm armor. 

The gate looks so tiny behind him!

Don't mess with the biggest and baddest lich in the Warhammer World!

I can't wait to work on another in the future, I think a warm scheme with reds and oranges would look incredible on a model like this! 

Its starting to look like fall here in Colorado, so the rain (and snow?!) is starting to come. Shouldn't cause too many problems, but I've got a trio of Knight titans coming that need some primer! Lots of fun projects coming ahead, lets hope the weather doesn't get in the way!
