Hey everyone!
Sadly the past few months have been pretty barren hobby-wise. Nonetheless I have managed to get a few bits done and have even managed to snap a few photos.
There are photos of a few of the newer projects and some older models that have been on the cards for a couple of years!
First up we have a photos of all the work in progress items (minus one Taurox I couldn't face building after constructing so many tanks and a load more infantry). 3 mortars I started painting about 2 years ago, 3 lascannons, 4 squads of guardsmen, 5 Life guards (the other 5 were completed about 2 years ago or more), 10 Highland Scions, 5 Bullgryns, Nork, a missionary, a command section, 2 Taurox, a wyvern and a baneblade. Oh and a commissar.
Should take me all of a weekend to paint don't you think?...
Here we have a closer photos of an officer with a power fist that I converted ages ago. Also Nork with the small conversion on the loudspeaker and the commissar with the hat swap.
The mortars have been work in progress for a long long time. The bases and main uniform colour are all finished. One day I will get round to painting the rest!
The newest super heavy to attached to the IV mechanised infantry. Very much looking forward to working on this one.
The Highland Scions. They all have the newest VL kilts and heads. The only infantry in my army who don't have the trademark epaulettes. The only greenstuffing I needed to do was the plumes on the side of the helmets and then collars on their uniforms as the heads didn't fit so well with the armoured torsos.
The bullgryns. Another unit I am looking forward to painting.
I finished the first 5 Life guards years ago so its nice to finally convert and undercoat the second 5! Its been pretty shameful how long it has taken, but at least we are finally almost there, almost a unit of 10!
Here are the converted Wyvern crew. Straight head swap on both and then then addition of VL epaulettes.
Finally the Baneblade tank commander, complete with pipe and sabre.
Right that is your lot for the moment. I'm currently painting the tanks getting them all to the stage where the main hull colour is complete. Also need to buy a few more paints, pretty much out of XV88 and Ushabti bone which is pretty fatal for me!
I've also trialed the army painter spray paint on these tanks and I think it works pretty well. Not so different to the XV88 (just a little bit more gray perhaps, lacking a redder tint), I reckon it will save me a lot of hours.
I've got a few more posts in the pipeline so hopefully it wont be months before the next one!
I've been sorting lots of old stuff out recently and I unearthed some classic armies of mine. There are going to be a Warhammer fantasy posts coming up featuring a Dark Elves, Vampire Counts and Khemri army I painted over 10 years ago!
Heres a sneak peak
Watch this space.
September Update
by Colonel Winterborne | Sep 14, 2014