Remember me swearing off commission work for a while? Well, when a single-figure request came in, I really couldn't turn it down. Especially when I learned it was for a gentleman that is involved in a podcast called The Guildhall Podcast, and that the character wasn't for the tabletop at all, rather his Inquisitor character from the Dark Heresy game by Fantasy Flight.

After a few emails to get down exactly what he was looking for, I dug into my bits boxes and really went to town.

So Paul (my client) was very exact in what he was looking for:

"Garreth Kane is his name. He dons a robe over his power armor most times, wields a chain sword and a flamer, and has a servo skull companion. His color scheme in my head has always been that of the Inquisition: Red, a bit of yellow, and on his chest or back of his cowl is the glorious symbol of the Inquisition. Emperor's Aquila's, Purity seals, everything else I'll leave at your discretion. Personally, as long as the weapons are right and servo skull is present, and you enjoy making it, that's the best part!"

Remember some of my posts on bits, bits boxes and the like? Check out a few:

The Bitz Box, A hobbyist's Best Friend

The Great Re-Organization of 2012

How Many Bitz Does it Take?

In those, I stress the importance of a solid and extensive collection of bits for the serious converter, among other points. It was this organization as well as my bits collection that allowed me to create this conversion in a timely manner, with a great selection of bits to choose from, and create a highly unique figure to boot.

Here's a collection of bits that I just started pulling out to work with:

Now I didn't use all of them, but I did use a pretty hefty selection form it.

Next I began crafting the torso and the main body of the figure. As this was an Inquisitor, I wanted to have a human-height figure, but one that obviously still needed power armor and the like. Using some tank commander legs with a great coat to simulate robes, I topped it with a chaos marine torso (with the chaos star trimmed away of course) and a modified Grey Knights backpack.

Then I shaved down and reshaped two Blood Angels arms, one with a chainsword and the other with a hand flamer. The chainsword I wanted to make a little more ornate, so I shaved and filed away at the back lower portion to give it a sabre-style appearance. These then got pinned to the torso, and the left arm was topped with a plastic Deathwatch shoulder pad.

Not wanting to overpower the figure, I reshaped another plain shoulder pad to remove the trim and shorten it. After that, I added another chain mail bit to the rear, and topped the backpack with an old Inquisitor bit as well.

Finally it was time for a head and some bling. Of course he was going to get a leather-coifed Grey Knight head, and then seeing as he is an Ordos Xenos Inquisitor, a belt full of trophies was needed as well! I followed those up with some additional Inquisitor brass-etched symbols and purity seals.

Finally he was placed on what else but a broken Wraithbone base form the plastic Farseer!

All in all, I love the figure and can't wait to show everyone how the paint turned out!

Also, if you'd like to check out Paul's podcast, check out the links below!



Forums if you'd like to play:

- Tim