The postcard was a nice touch.

I've always wanted to get the Arkham Horror pre-painted miniature set. 

Several things have conspired against me until this point. 

First of all it was cost, as the bundle of miniatures was about $200 US dollars for all 48.

Then it was supply, once i had more money the investigator set was sold out. 

I waited for ages to see if it would come back into stock and it never did. I then noticed that they were selling them individually, but that several had already sold out. 

Figuring that the window for obtaining these figures was closing I did some thinking. 

I noticed that all the figures out of stock were members of the "SIGNIFICANT 16" Arkham characters. Now, those of you who have played the FFG Cthulhu games will know who i mean, the characters from the core game of Arkham Horror, Elder Sign and Mansions of Madness. 

Joe Diamond, Jenny Barnes, Harvey Walters, those ones.

Then I had a brainwave. All of those figures are reproduced unpainted in the Mansions of Madness core game and expansions. 

Hank and Norman, Heroes from an earlier campaign.

I'd held off purchasing Mansions for ages for various reasons (One of which is i actually like playing the game and didn't want to spoil scenarios for that reason). 

Now I have got them all and no regrets.

The quality isn't at all bad, and its baked on so its ncie and durable. All i need to do now is paint the other 16 characters from Mansions and I'll have a full set to use in 4 different games. BOOM!

Pre-painted is never going to be as good as a skilled painter taking time with things. But i've learned a thing or two lately, and one of those is pre-painted average looking figures and still 1000 times better than unpainted plastics.

And wow does it save time.

Bring on more pre-painted figs!