Hey there everyone, Godfrey here with something of a personal update for you guys.  Most of the articles I write are written with the express idea of discussing something about this or that, but I thought I'd take some time to gather my progress on the many fronts I've been facing in the Grim Darkness of my Hobby time, and form them into words.  It helps me as a writer and a hobbyist to catalog my achievements and to work out meaningful steps towards future goals, and hopeful provides you guys with something to occupy your time with.  So why the picture of Liam Neeson to start off with an article like that?  Well apart from being one of my favorite actors, this picture depicts the namesake of my screen name.  It's from the film Kingdom of Heaven, and if you haven't seen it check it out.  There are numerous little nuances and elements about the character which really hit home for me, so I strive to be more like him in my everyday games... even if the Ork player in me is a bit over-zealous to speak broken English and yell a lot.  But on with the show.  Let's see what's been going on, and where it will take me.

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