The Gremlins have a solution...
The Nightmare Whisky Golem box contains enough parts for one miniature...namely the Nightmare Whisky Golem. It also contains a stat card for him though there are no upgrade cards.
The box has one sprue in it as well as the aforementioned card...
I've put them here for your convenience. Just click on it for a larger version...
Stat Card.
Front view'll have to buy one if you want to see the back...
It's not as bad as you might expect. The Golem itself consists of large easy to assemble parts with a large main body and arms and legs consisting of a basic structure that larger barrels and plank pieces are added to. Most parts have a uniquely shaped indentation that makes mixing up the parts difficult (but not impossible I suppose...). The Gremlins on the other hand have some tiny parts....but I'm guessing you were expecting that...
Here's some close-ups...
The arms and legs.
As mentioned the limbs have a basic structure over which other barrel like pieces are attached...
Some features.
There's a lot of nice little touches on this's some close-ups of them...
And of Gremlins there's the Gremlins...
The swinging one is the most difficult to assemble due to the usual 'aligning separate bits with one another issues'. The rope is also very thin and delicate indeed and can't be looped through the Golems fingers if they've been glued together so remember not to attach them till the rope is in place...
There's another couple of Gremlins as well...the liquid part pouring from the bottom of the Golem goes between the barrel parts when assembling though if you forget you can cut the tab off and insert the tubular part within the hole...
Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.