We celebrated my daughter’s birthday on Saturday. It was held at the local gymnastic center, and she had a blast with all of her friends. It was great to see them all running and bouncing around.
That evening Nick, Joe, Louis, Kevin, and I got together for some games. We started with Caverna. I was working towards a huge animal-centric game using wheat to feed my family, but my game was cut short. I had to bow out about two-thirds of the way through to help Gina when my daughter couldn’t go to bed because of an ear-ache. After getting her some medication and settled down I was able to see the end of the game. Joe and Nick had taken over the animal husbandry, while Louis had collected a ton of good and turned them into points. He ended up with 105 points and the victory.
I needed to relax with a game after all the craziness, so – after Louis took off – Gina joined us for Glen More. I was slowly making my way around the board, picking up villages and goods to sell at the annual fair. I was able to get the castle for bonus points with the villages, but I messed up my last round. Had I saved some goods instead of selling them, I would have had enough to buy Lock Oich and score more from my Fair. Instead I ended up three points of Joe.
Sunday was spent unwinding, and I did get to play a quick game of Small world with my son. It took a little for him to get things figured out again, but we had a lot of fun before cutting it short to eat dinner.
Until next time, happy gaming!