Welcome to another 10k in 10 update! Pete and I are painting 10, 000 points of 40k armies by the end of March 2015! You ca keep up to date by following on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter. Im always curious as to what you guys/gals have been working on as well so send me some of your work!
So… I have to paint stuff up like a madman. I chose to tackle the green on quite a few of my minis to get the colour on them at least, its the base colour of the armour, Caliban Green over a black undercoat. So! Here is the stuff I worked on.
And here is how they ended up:
First off the Razorwing “Sickle Squadron” Apocalypse formation.
And then a huge pack of wyches, the trueborn squad, my other 5 scourge, and I could not find the inspiration to put any paint on my succubus. At all… oh well. You see, I am trying to get as much of the little things -DONE- so that I can focuss on things like my Revenant titan when it arrives! Yay, so excited about that, you have no clue.
Well. That is all I have for you today. Thanks for tuning in, commenting and being a part of the online community. Cheers!
Skari - out.