Lets just get this out of the way... Tabletop world makes great stuff! Here is an example. These are the 'Merchant Goods' package that I added to my order of the 'Merchant Shop'. Wow! its a really big assortment of highly detailed goods... the veggies, fruits, sausages and even fish can be identified quite clearly... no indistinct lumps here.
These, as is typical of my TTW experience so far, required zero clean up... I mean zero. I washed these and went to painting them straight out of the box. Totally worth the price tag. This is really a big deal for me as it dramatically reduced the time it took... imagine cleaning all these... hours for me anyway. As it turns out it took just three sessions to knock out the whole set.
I decided to approach these with washes over a white primer base as I've been struggling with paint thickness recently. Here I did thin base coats of paint followed by layers of washes and a glaze here or there.
A view of the goods together with the shop. I'm anxious to do the cobblestone 'Town Square' and put it all up on a terrain board. The Bevie will likely be subjected to a furious round of Mordheim in the near future!
... provided, of course, I locate the Mordheim minis.... DOH!
With the exception of the plums... which I inexplicably forgot to detail the stems and leaves... I spent a bit of time reveling in the detail of the individual elements. I really like the corn cob colors and the fish... though the pumpkins and cabbages also came out pretty well.
Tabletop World Merchant Goods
by Swelter | Sep 25, 2014