Everyone loves to jet around. Even if we cannot fly, jumping really really far will often do us just fine. Under examination today is a set of Maxmini Iron Pattern Jump Packs.

For the sum of £5.49, you get five identical jump packs, each of which comes in three pieces: The main body, and two exhaust vents. Working out at about £1.10 per jump pack, this isn’t too bad for value, and are parts that look a bit different to the norm.

They are suited for 28-33mm models, and are perfect for making Assault Marines, Sanguinary Guard, and Raptors. These packs are on the large side at the lower scale, as demonstrated above: they easily outsize standard GW backpacks, and even bulkier Raptor packs. Despite being so huge they don’t look out of place.

The quality is fantastic, and has improved since I last bought a set. Whilst before there were a few lines and wonky bits, this time around there are no such problems. Either through perfection of the process over time, or better resin, this set is virtually defect-less. Ever detail looks just a little bit more defined and clear-cut.

As some of you know I’m a big fan of this set. The details are fantastic for use in Horus Heresy-era armies, due to their antiquated styling and size. I have previously used them to create a set of Thousand Sons Raptors. I painted the round bolts as gemstones, to create a squad that is unique to this army.

Lately, I’ve tried adding these packs to a different range (but a similar one). This model is to become a Warp Talon Champion. It looks especially fantastic with the Maxmini packs (and that head I am so fond of). The body, from Evil Craft, is slightly larger than a GW one, so the pack looks more in-scale, and helps create an intimidating model. I plan to create a full squad of Warp Talons, combining Maxmini and Evil Craft parts, for a squad that will stand out no matter where I go.

In conclusion, it is easy to say I am a big fan of Maxmini’s jump packs. They appeal to my love of 30k-era gear, the detailing can be easily adapted through painting(painted as gems rather than bolts), are of a quality high enough that they maintain the image of a good model. I rank these amongst my top accessory picks.