Round 2 of selling stuff is a go, with a few things up today (Wed) and a few more to be put up on Saturday. I choose Sat for the day to end auctions is that on Sunday night, people are getting ready to go to
This may be the last round of downsizening this year, as Nov is cutting it fine for shipping even within Oz. Anyhoo, no link cuz I'm not a whore and don't desperately need to flout what I'm selling :P *coughdarkangelsspacewolvestaubloodthirstercough* excuse the allergies ;)
EDIT: Well, more stuff is up (again, no link cuz reasons) and whilst the current lot seems to be a lot, I still feel like I've way too much :S
Maybe there'll be a round 3 quite soon due to the holidays. Fact is, I'm kinda feeling relieved by downsizing as it's less stuff to paint/store/get round to using. Plus I haven't felt inclined to purchase anything new so I guess there's that going for me lol.
The Warlock