So last night I got a bit of time to work on the Turkish Brekk here..

Again pulling the main comments from the judges from Euro, and others over time. Plus tips from classes and styles that I have picked up over time as well.

Biggest area that I cleaned up here is the shoulder..

I can see that my style or technique for blending has changed dramatically over the past year. I can see that I have the chance to make it more smooth with more time, and energy put into it.

Also the constant small washes, and glazes help to smooth it out better as well. Also helps that I did not use the Scale75 Orange Leather color, and instead switched to the Vallejo Model Color Red Leather. It is probably the only color I don't like in the range, but it might also just be the bottle I have..

What I also did was fix the shadows a bit further on the cloth as well. But this time instead of adding straight black, I mixed in some Blue to the shadows.. the opposite color to Orange. Wait.. what?!? I am using the color wheel and color theory ( even if it is basic ) to make it more interesting??!?! WOWzers!

I also touched upon the belt and the chainmail a bit more also. The chainmail came out great I think.. but the belt requires some more effort now..

The scale75 metallics and inks where used exclusively here.. and to great effect! I also applied them to the rim of the Fez, and cleaned up the overspilled metals from before on that as well.

Still more work to be done on the blue cowl.. but already I can see a big difference on it.. and after the blue cowl and face ge some touch ups I will be much happier with the piece here. Maybe some freehand after SMC will be added.. but I cannot say for sure at this point..

Onwards to Scale Model Challenge now!!! Not much longer now!