Good evening Guys,

Time for the normal weekly update, as ever it is another Infinity themed one.

I have been plodding along with my first crusader brethren, this one is armed with a HMG I also have one armed with a combi rifle in my painting queue. Bar a few finishing touches he is pretty much done:

I have really enjoyed painting this guy, think he is my current favourite of all the models I have painted so far for the game.

Here is a sneak peek of my next model, a WiP Trauma- Doc:

and the rest of the current painting queue:

Entirely Infinity stuff again......

I have a meet up with Rictus and Nife rapidly approaching where we will actually be playing 40k, I have a few planned additions to my Tau mainly repainting an Ethereal and fire warrior squad that I stripped an age ago.

I keep getting them out to paint and literally managing 5 or 10 minutes on them before getting bored and going back to whatever infinity or deadzone model I am currently working on. Mean while Rictus is blazing away on his Daemons, the speed of his painting has begun to scare me haha.

I have said it before but I will say it again I seem to have lost all interest in GW stuff, it barely motivates me to actually want to convert or sculpt anymore, something which used to be a huge part of the GW side of my hobby time.

Times change I guess, seems boardgames and skirmish games have become more my thing