Been chipping away at this piece for a while to try and get something ready in time for this years Golden Demon Competition which was in Coventry this year.  Its been hard work finding the time to get this ready with all the commission work I have on the go at the moment, and in fact I didn't think I was going to finish it in time at all.  Anyway I managed to finish the piece and managed to get it Coventry (other end of the country to me) in one piece lol which was quite a challenge I can tell you.

Anyway arrived in Coventry saturday evening and had a great night out in the Casino with the wife and two good friends of mine, some terrible pictures for facebook haha.  Quick shout out to Mark, Shaun and Swixy you lot were funny as!

Got up on Sunday to be told by the hotel that my car had been broken into during the night.  The sods smashed the window and took the sat nav, my car stereo and my MP3 player.  Managed to hand my model in before spending the entire day in the hotel reception dealing with the police, insurance company and the repairman.  Managed to get a new car window in place at around 4 pm - 15 minutes after Games Day finished.  Lol I missed the entire thing.  Really glad I took the wife (cough cough and her ipad) with me as she made the day bearable and we made the best of a bad situation.

Anyway good old Theoden didn't make the cut this year and after reviewing pictures of some of the other models in my chosen catagory online afterwards i can understand why.  Outstanding work from some real top class painters.  Looks like I'll have to raise my game next year if I want to make the finals.  Only regret is that I din't get the chance to have a look at the models in person which is for want of a better word SHIT as I was there lol.

Congratulations to all entrants and I'll be back for more in 2015 (not in my bloody car tho lol)

Theoden is now on Cool Mini Or Not for voting if you would like to register a vote you can CLICK HERE.  Your continued support is much appreciated.

Theoden Current CMON rating is


Thanks for taking the time to read all my waffle.  I'll get you one day Golden Demon.