Lt. Carey leads the troopers of 1st team G Troop on the exercise field. Visibly noticeable is the lack of training that the 19th Scansin was able to perform with their mounts while traveling to the theater of war. Although the 19th spent more than the required time training for "Infantry Operations" a mere fraction of their allocated riding time was able to be carried out. This due largely to the Imperial navy being unwilling to convert a portion of the troop deck to a training area for horses.
So these guys are getting closer to being done. There a few minor details that need to be painted and of the most obvious, the bases.. I'm hoping to have these knocked out by the end of the week and then it's back to the Avenger for a bit before I start on the 7th Scansin's heavy weapons.
Sgt. Ellwood With his Chainsword at the ready repeating his Lieutenant's order to "Charge".
19th Scansin Lancers – Almost there
by Marshal Argos | Oct 19, 2014