- 3 games of 40K in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere
- Lunch
- Entry to the raffle (with generous prizes)
- A chance to win two spot prizes each round
Please bear in mind the army selection process has changed significantly from BW7 (since the advent of 7th edition) so please take time to read the event page carefully. This can be found by clicking the BW8 logo on the right.
If you have any rules queries or need to get any proxies approved please contact me as soon as possible.
The venue will again be the NWGC in Stockport. This can easily be reached by train (walking distance from Stockport station) or alternatively there's a Premier Inn (Stockport South) across the road from the venue. There are often a few guys who arrive the night before so it's an opportunity to play some pick up games of 40K/x-wing/whatever in the venue before the main event.
I hope to see you in a couple of weeks! Stay tuned for the pie charts!