From Left to Right

The party, faced with the jaws of so many dragons on the Isle of Dread, elect to seek brighter fortunes elsewhere.  The Drake sets sail for Thyatis City, where they arrive in 15 days with no misfortune.  Everyone is surprised.

Over the next several days, each member of the party searches their soul for the strength to fight the existential dread.  They seek a new job, as they believe their group is powerful enough to brave new perils.  Yet what night brings is much more bizarre...

An entity calling himself The Warlock Charlie Sheen appeared in their dreams, and showed them a vision of what might be the future.  The heroes all stood in the mightiest of positions, and great power for change was theirs.  War seemed to be coming...war in the north.

After all having the same dream, they agree it's pretty weird.  Some of the party was able to figure out the nature of the spell, but not of it's creator...who only seemed human.  The companions begin to suss out a real plan, emboldened by the surety and reality of their shared vision.

Grus Tokerfield is a wealthy landowner in Thyatis City.  He has contracted the party and their ship to hunt down Captain Kronk and his pirate vessel, The Sea Heifer.  Aboard that blighted ship, Tokerfield claims, the party will find a silver, rune engraved box.  They are to return to box to Tokerfield clandestinely at his estate, whereupon 2000gp in gems will be paid to the party.  In addition, the Thyatians want Kronk...and have placed a 700gp bounty on his head.

Dead or alive.

Tokerfield divulges information on Kronk's next port-of-call:  North Island, in Minrothad.  The Sea Heifer and her crew of scum will be there in four to five days.  If they can make it, taking the pirate vessel at their secret base could be a powerful coup for the party's prosperity.  However, pirates are the least of their concern near the islands of Minrothad...