The Second War in Heaven is to Begin soon! 40k League with the toughest and the roughest. And Im taking a Revenant Titan. This post series will explore the use of a revenant titan in a 1500pt game. It is a low point value and the revenant is 900 pts! So I am very excited to see how it does against opponents that know what to do against it, and against some tough opposition. 

The way this works, I play a game each week for 5 weeks. The missions and games give battlepoints and the winner of the league will be the person with the most battle points. So what is the army I am taking and what are the opponents that I will be playing against? Well Lets see:

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My List:
Dark Eldar CAD Detachment:

Archon (warlord, laberynthine cunning trait), blaster, clonefield  - 95pts 
Venom with dual cannons 65pts

5 Kabalite Warriors with Blaster - 55pts
Venom with dual cannon - 65pts

5 Kabalite Warriors with Blaster - 55pts
Venom with dual cannon - 65pts

Raider with a darklance - 60pts

Razorwing - 130, 2 lances 10 - 140pts

Revenant Titan - 900pts

Total - 1500pts

And these are my match ups and their lists for the 5 weeks! What do you think my chances are? 

Week 1 vs Tim and this Chaos allied with Crimson Slaughter:

 Chaos Lord (220pts) Bike, Daemonheart, Gift of mutation, Mark of Nurgle, Sigil of corruption, The Slaughterer’s Horns, Power Armour, Lightning Claws, Power Fist[Strategic genius]

* Chaos Cultists (55pts) Flamer, 10x Squad models (champion included)
* Chaos Cultists (50pts) (Champion of Chaos) Champion’s upgrade, 10x Squad models (champion included)

 Fast Attack 
* Chaos Spawn (180pts) Mark of Nurgle, 5x Spawn
* Heldrake (170pts) Baleflamer
* Heldrake (170pts) Baleflamer

Heavy Support 
* Maulerfiend (135pts) Lasher tendrils 
* Maulerfiend (135pts) Lasher tendrils 

Allied Detachment


Chaos Lord (185pts) Gift of mutation, Juggernaut of Khorne, Mark of Khorne, Sigil of corruption, Power Armour, Lightning Claws, Power Fist 


 Chaos Cultists (50pts)

Fast Attack

5 Chaos Spawn (150pts)

Week 2 vs Jason and his CSM allied with Deamons


HQ [Strategic genius]
Daemon Prince-340
-daemon of nurgle
-burning brand of skalanthrax
-spell familiar

10 Cultists-55
10 Cultists-50

Mauler Fiend-125
Mauler Fiend-125

Daemon Allies
Lord of Change-305
-2 greater rewards
-lesser reward

11 Pink Horrors-99

Daemon Prince-355
-daemon of tzeentch
-exalted reward
-greater reward

Week 3 vs Evan and his Ravenguard/Knights


Samael - 200pts
RavenWing Command Squad - 5 men, Ravenwing Grenade Laucher, Apothecary
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 5 bikes 2 meltas
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 5 bikes 2 meltas
Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 4 Bikes 2 Meltas
Dark Shroud 
Relic Sicaran Battle Tank
Lascannon Sponsons

Imperial Knight

Week 4 vs Kiefer and his Wolves


Thunderwolf Lord
Thunderwolf Battle Leader
Runepriest on a Bike

10 Greyhunters 2 x melta
Drop Pod
10 Greyhunters 2 x melta
Drop Pod
5 Greyhunters 1x melta
Drop pod

6 thunderwolves

Week 5 vs Fred and his Necrons:


- Overlord(175) 
 - warscythe
- mindshackle scarabs
- sempiternal weave
 - phase shifter
 - warlord trait master of ambush
- Royal Court
- Harbringer of the storm(25)
- Harbringer of the storm(25)
- 7 warriors(81)
- Ghost Ark(115)
- 5 warriors(65)
- Night Scythe(100)
Heavy Support
- Annihilation Barge(90)
- Annihilation Barge(90)
Lord of War
- Transcendent C’tan(720)
- Transliminal Stride
- Cosmic Fire
- Wave of Withering

So! What are all your thoughts?

Skari - out.