I went up to Rhode Island recently for the yearly get-together with my nerd crew and a humongous Epic was the main event. I brought along the Legio Gryphonicus Titans I had been working on but my forces were dwarfed by the massive efforts of my friends Ty and Jake. Ty has been painting scores and scores of models for The Sons of Horus, Death Guard and Emperor's Children. He also has a whole World Eaters army in the works. Not to be outdone, our friend Jake showed up with 10,000 points worth of beautifully painted Imperial Fists.

The game itself was a massive affair and we enlisted the help of or friends John, Matt and Robin to help roll buckets of dice. After many hours, two turns, and hundreds of models moved to the sideboard; the Traitors were victorious, gaining just enough victory points to end the game. I can't say it wasn't a relief! Looking forward to more (and perhaps slightly less ambitious) games in the future. Extra special super bro shout-out to Ty who wrote a whole new Epic 30K ruleset, created a massive set of counters, built the scenery and hosted the whole affair!