King Arthur returns from all sorts of misadventure across Mystara, as both a DM and a player.  He wanted to share this with everyone, after some of those hijinks nearly introduced him to the TPK.  As his discovery of gaming in general is really just beginning, it will be interesting to see what he has to say from time to time - to give us old, crotchety folk a fresh perspective that is unburdened with expectation or nostalgia.

In my budding experience, I have encountered an alignment change.  This particular change of heart was forced upon me, for allowing entangled and sleeping enemies to be effortlessly dispatched by a fellow member of my adventuring party.  How wrong of me……

Now then!  Being chaotic is awesome!  All these nitty witty do-gooders and their lawful ways are just such a tedious bunch to fit in with.  Experiencing the change in my alignment, I did take it upon myself to fully enjoy a change to more diabolic demeanor.  The party, who has yet to accept my character anyhow, is now composed of only my targets!

At least, they would have been had they not led me to suffer heavy damage and initially instill a raving insanity within me.  This in turn gave me the perfect excuse to stab a fellow through his heart and take his potion.  Then to make my lil’ devilish plot all the better, the potion made me fly!   I took my leave of these doomed adventurers and flew all the way back home!

You should never trust an evil thief, you silly adventuring companions!  I do give you my thanks though, for the short lived, but highly enjoyable, Dungeons and Dragons session.

King Arthur,
The Jubilant and Carefree