Travelling Wargamer! This is the place that I chat to you from away… the times I get to visit other areas, countries, gaming crews… 

I am in Calgary. I have been here for almost two weeks now, away from family, friends, gaming, and making youtube videos. All for work of course, so it has been productive in other ways. This morning, I woke up to the sight of snow. Yup, that time of year has come once again! 

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And it beautiful. It reminds me of those hobbyists that make cool looking snow bases, and how hard they are to really pull off. Simple, but really cool. I cant wait to get back onto the schedule of making podcasts, and videos. (finishing the tactical video series for the Dark Eldar Codex for example). Also! My son… Miss him so much. Well. Thats all I have for you today! 

Skari - out.