The Contest
The basic premise of the contest consists of creating a valid 300 point ITS (Infinity Tournament Scenario) list and painting, basing, and finishing the entire kit-and-kaboodle by the final deadline. The details are below:- Create a valid 300 point ITS list.
- Collect all necessary miniatures for the list.
- Take a picture of all the UNPAINTED miniatures with a time stamp from October 1st to October 28th.
- Submit the list and the time-stamped photo to MayaCast
- Fully assemble, paint, and base all models in the list.
- Submit the finished photos to MayaCast before they record their December podcast (date not determined, but likely around the 28th of November).
- Entrants who finish the assembly, painting, and basing of the army will be entered for prizes.
- At very least the MayaCast crew will pick an overall winner.
- The more entrants who successfully complete their army, the more prizes will be given out.
My Entry
Prior to this contest I owned Nomads, Haqqislam, and the start of an Aleph army. None of which are fully painted and only the Nomads have any paint on them at all. The problem? I really want to tackle Nomads and Haqq with my new airbrush but I need to practice first. I then decided to shelve Aleph as I simply couldn't find a list to make me happy.
So what next. Well, the newly resculpted Morats caught my eye months ago. I loved the new Morat Aggression Force Starter as well as the Vanguard and the solo figures that Corvus Belli released this year. I started playing with lists and doing some research to see if viable lists could be made from only the newer models. Answer? Not really.
I did find that I could build a list with relatively few old models. So I said screw it, and dived on in. You'll see my list below as well as my submission picture to MayaCast.
GROUP 1 (Regular: 10/Irregular: 0):
YAOGAT Lieutenant Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust / Pistol, CCW. (31)
KURGAT Mk12, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (24)
ZERAT Hacker (Hacking Device) Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 33)
MORAT (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (19)
MORAT Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (20)
MORAT HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 25)
SOGARAT HMG / Pistol, AP CCW. (2 | 67)
SURYAT Heavy Rocket Launcher / Assault Pistol, Knife. (2 | 51)
DĀTURAZI Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CCW. (14)
DĀTURAZI Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CCW. (14)
5.5 SWC | 298 Points
Additionally, I'm using DragonForge bases. Specially, I bought the tech-deck bases a while back for use with my Aleph. I'm now instead using them for Morats and I'll find something else for Aleph when/if I return to them.
Since I took the picture and submitted my entry to MayaCast I made great strides forward. I started by cleaning all the miniatures and parts. That took one night. I then attached all parts I felt didn't require pinning (not many for Infinity models). After that I started pinning assembly. This went fine until I hit the Daturazi with their loin-cloths and hair braids. The pins I used for arms were suddenly too large. So I took the advice from MayaCast and used straight pins with a smaller drill bit. Three bits later, I successfully pinned both daturazi. With assembly complete I started drilling the leg pins and attaching the models to cork for easy handling. Until I ran out of cork.
Overall, my progress ramped up pretty quick. I worked each night this past week and managed to completely assemble everything other than the Suryat. I wanted to wait and receive the "all clear" concerning proxies from Tom and Kip before assembling.
Zerat Hacker |
Vanguard w/ HMG |
Zerat (again) |
Zerat (yet again) |
Vanguard HMG (again) |
Vanguard HMG (yes, again) |
Sogarat |
Sogarat |
Yaogat w/ Sniper (used as Lt.) |
Sogarat (back) |
Kurgat |
Vanguard w/ Combi |
Daturazi w/ Combi (used as chain rifle) |
Daturazi w/ Combi (used as chain rifle) |
Vanguard w/ Combi |
Suryat HMG (Rocket Launcher) |
What Next?
I need to attach the rest of the models to cork and prime them. Then I have to paint my base layers on and add detailing. Next in line would come the bases. Then I only need to attach the painted models to said bases and I'm done. Awesome. Except I only have roughly 4 weeks to accomplish this and I already found some technical issues.
I need paint. Most of my GW paint dried up. That leaves me with my newer GW paints, my P3 paints, and my Reaper metallic paints. This also leaves me with a rather limited palette. So I need to order paint.
I'll keep updating the blog on my progress when I find time. I always meant to include more hobby articles to break up the reviews, opinion pieces, and tactical articles I write. I simply never found the time to do so.