The latest in the Horus Heresy Hobby.

Every week I bring you the latest amazing hobby progress from the Horus Heresy Forums, the premier online Heresy gaming community.

Evil Space Elves

ESE continues the amazing work on his World Eaters. He has also completed an Assault unit, and started work on the Flamer Support Squad, see more here.


Ursus introduces us to Captain Sargos Grev, captain of the 3rd Chapter, 1st Grand Company, XIV Legion. I had a chance to see his army first hand at a local tournament, and it's even more beautiful in person. Check out his newly completed Contemptor, Venator here.


Penddraig completes a Rhino for his Sons of Horus. Some great weathering, see more pictures of it, and his WIP Vindicator over on the forums.


This is just one of the many completed unit Dono has achieved recently. Check our his Templar Imperial Fists over here.


Darianzg has completed work on a Heresy Era Sanguinary Guard which can be found here. You can also find more of his amazing Blood Angels from his WIP post here.


Papasmurf completes his Cataphractii Terminators. The forums have seen a surge in Ultramarines lately, possible due to the awesome artwork shown at the recent Warhammer Fest event. See more of Papa's work on the forums.

Have your own models you'd like to share with the community? Sign up to the forums and share your own Hobby Progress.
