Podcast 9 (03NOV2014) Intro: This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40k · Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beerandbolters40k/ · YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeerandBolters40K Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio · Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TabledPaint Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): NewCampaign – Shield of Baal: Leviathan Blood Angels 5 Death Company 10 Assault Marines 1 Furioso Dreadnought 1 NEW - Exclusive - Captain w/Jump Pack Tyranids 3 Tyranid Warriors 20 ‘gaunts 3 Lictors (this makes no sense, perhaps Hive Guard) 1 NEW - Exclusive - Prime Newly released Tyranid products on the Games-Workshop website: Toxicrene/ Maleceptor $73 Warhammer 40,000: The Rules $58 Tyranid Dice Set $17 New Tyranid models appearing in this week’s issue of White Dwarf: Tyrannocyte Drop Pod, 75ts, 20 bugs or 1 MC, 5 Deathspitters can upgrade to 5 venom cannons or barbed stranglers Sporocyst Weapon’s Bunker Mucolid Spore Cluster Giant Sport Mine 15pts, Krak missle, can assault flyers can MC LEAK: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/11/40k-breaking-tyrannocite-sighting.html http://ftgtgaming.blogspot.com/2014/11/more-tyranid-multikit-pic-dump.html Has rules Traitor Marines coming next year: · Few Changes in the Codex · Chaos Undivided mono-lists only (no more Chaos Marks) · Black Legion Supplement to be revised Forgeworld released a nice video teaser—titled, Conquest—for the Horus Heresy. It featured a dramatic image of a Knight Castigator, and an evocative quote: Then there came a day when the sun was as blood and the very air became ashes And men cried out for salvation but went unanswered For the Angel of Death was with them and all was lost The clip ends with: "Conquest is Coming, Winter 2014" Vox Broadcast (Videos of the Week): Painting Tutorial: Honored Imperium by Beer and Bolters 40K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El1GuBc-Fz4 Running a Space Wolves Thunderwolves List by Beer and Bolters 40K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkSZOj7-lqk New Recruits (Hobby Updates): Adam: Honored Imperium Painted Thunderwolves Update Chris: Built one of his two Razorbacks Painting his way through 100+ Ork Boyz, 50ish Nobs, and a few Warbosses Purchased a Trukk to help his Orkish Horde move around the board Purchasing a Predator Annihilator Purchasing another 2 Furioso Dreadnoughts Purchasing 10 more Death Company, 10 Tactical Marines, and 10 More Assault Marines Commanders’ Corner (Tactics and Army Building): The Orks vs. Space Wolves battle continues… 1750 Game - Space Wolves Win The Space Wolves were able to survive the Orks’ close combat attacks with their 3+ invulnerable saves Paying for ‘ard armor was a waste of points, as the Space Wolves had access to plenty of AP4 or better weapons, those points could have been spent on more bodies with more attacks The Orks really struggled to deal with the Land Raider’s AV14 Deff Koptas did nothing 1850 Game - Space Wolves Win (14-0) after tabling the Orks in Turn 3 (Chris’ ass is still sore!) The Orks should have spread out to avoid getting annihilated by the Space Wolves’ Whirlwind. Who loses to a whirlwind….? The Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnought was able to hold it’s own against 4 Killa Kans, relying on its superior AV12 front armor to protect it from their relatively weak STR7 attacks Deff Koptas did nothing Lootas, Meks, Tankbustas, and other Ork units with high strength shots would have likely helped The Orks struggled to deal with the Space Wolves’ greater initiative in close combat; often times, the Orks were completely wiped out before they had a chance to strike back -- more bodies would have helped to prevent this
Podcast 9 (03NOV2014) Intro: This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: Beer & Bolters 40k · Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/beerandbolters40k/ · YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/BeerandBolters40K Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio · Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TabledPaint Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): NewCampaign – Shield of Baal: Leviathan Blood Angels 5 Death Company 10 Assault Marines 1 Furioso Dreadnought 1 NEW - Exclusive - Captain w/Jump Pack Tyranids 3 Tyranid Warriors 20 ‘gaunts 3 Lictors (this makes no sense, perhaps Hive Guard) 1 NEW - Exclusive - Prime Newly released Tyranid products on the Games-Workshop website: Toxicrene/ Maleceptor $73 Warhammer 40,000: The Rules $58 Tyranid Dice Set $17 New Tyranid models appearing in this week’s issue of White Dwarf: Tyrannocyte Drop Pod, 75ts, 20 bugs or 1 MC, 5 Deathspitters can upgrade to 5 venom cannons or barbed stranglers Sporocyst Weapon’s Bunker Mucolid Spore Cluster Giant Sport Mine 15pts, Krak missle, can assault flyers can MC LEAK: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/11/40k-breaking-tyrannocite-sighting.html http://ftgtgaming.blogspot.com/2014/11/more-tyranid-multikit-pic-dump.html Has rules Traitor Marines coming next year: · Few Changes in the Codex · Chaos Undivided mono-lists only (no more Chaos Marks) · Black Legion Supplement to be revised Forgeworld released a nice video teaser—titled, Conquest—for the Horus Heresy. It featured a dramatic image of a Knight Castigator, and an evocative quote: Then there came a day when the sun was as blood and the very air became ashes And men cried out for salvation but went unanswered For the Angel of Death was with them and all was lost The clip ends with: "Conquest is Coming, Winter 2014" Vox Broadcast (Videos of the Week): Painting Tutorial: Honored Imperium by Beer and Bolters 40K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El1GuBc-Fz4 Running a Space Wolves Thunderwolves List by Beer and Bolters 40K https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkSZOj7-lqk New Recruits (Hobby Updates): Adam: Honored Imperium Painted Thunderwolves Update Chris: Built one of his two Razorbacks Painting his way through 100+ Ork Boyz, 50ish Nobs, and a few Warbosses Purchased a Trukk to help his Orkish Horde move around the board Purchasing a Predator Annihilator Purchasing another 2 Furioso Dreadnoughts Purchasing 10 more Death Company, 10 Tactical Marines, and 10 More Assault Marines Commanders’ Corner (Tactics and Army Building): The Orks vs. Space Wolves battle continues… 1750 Game - Space Wolves Win The Space Wolves were able to survive the Orks’ close combat attacks with their 3+ invulnerable saves Paying for ‘ard armor was a waste of points, as the Space Wolves had access to plenty of AP4 or better weapons, those points could have been spent on more bodies with more attacks The Orks really struggled to deal with the Land Raider’s AV14 Deff Koptas did nothing 1850 Game - Space Wolves Win (14-0) after tabling the Orks in Turn 3 (Chris’ ass is still sore!) The Orks should have spread out to avoid getting annihilated by the Space Wolves’ Whirlwind. Who loses to a whirlwind….? The Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnought was able to hold it’s own against 4 Killa Kans, relying on its superior AV12 front armor to protect it from their relatively weak STR7 attacks Deff Koptas did nothing Lootas, Meks, Tankbustas, and other Ork units with high strength shots would have likely helped The Orks struggled to deal with the Space Wolves’ greater initiative in close combat; often times, the Orks were completely wiped out before they had a chance to strike back -- more bodies would have helped to prevent this