From the Journal of Alexandria Postoak


The group goes to the Minrothad Guildhouse to try and hire a navigator.


The guild tells the party that it would be 2000 gold coins to buy a charter and that it would be several months.  Blanith asks the small guild man if there is any way they can expidite the process.  The man's name is Gordo.  He seemed rather interested in the fact that the group is going after the bounty on the captain.

The man tells Blanith that it would be 500 gold extra to expedite the charter, but when Blanith signs the receipt the additional 500 is not on it.  He says he will send the pilot to the group later that night.


Blanith goes back to his inn and starts to write scrolls, and later Gordon the one legged dwarf pirate shows up and introduces himself as the pilot.


The group leaves Thyatis to find the captain.  Blanith works closely with Captain Barlowe so he can learn more about sailing.

The wind picks up and pushes back against the ship for a day, which slows the movement.

The ship makes it to the cove to wait for the pirates to arrive.  They must take a lifeboat to research the cove and tells the captain to take the boat out to be less obvious.


The group decides to wait on the ship and watch for the other ship.  Captain Barlowe advises that he sees the other ship sailing toward The Drake.


The ship that we see is larger.  The other ship is at least twice as large as ours.  There is a call from the crow's nest, "They have a ram!".  Oliver casts Bless on the party and it is quickly followed by Blanith casting Haste.  We all then ready our weapoins and hope for the best.


Something flies towards us from the enemy ship, and there is a cry on-deck of "Catapult!".  The order to fire at will is given, and our ballistae hit the enemy ship.  The ships meet and we begin to grapple each other.  The ship is bedecked in Alphatian gear.


The crews begin to fight.  Blanith puts part of the enemy crew to Sleep.  One of the pirates is killed by Alexandra, and Oliver cast Hold Person on some of their other crew.  Nine enemy pirates board our ship and one guy jumps with superhuman skill all the way to the center of our deck to attack Methra.  She is unlucky on the second hit and dies.  Her body falls into the ocean, and is lost.


Most of the other crew is in a Web or put to Sleep.  Warwick, Alexandra, Utho, Blanith and Todd have boarded the enemy ship.


The ones that boarded the ship defeat the remaining pirates on the Sea Heifer.  We tie up the crew that is still under a Sleep spell.  Barlowe uses a stick and makes the webbed fighter to surrender.  Our crew goes through the Sea Heifer finds a fair amount of treasure and the box with a silver marking.

We decide to sail the Sea Heifer and tow our boat behind.  We tie the pirates up and watch them in the hold.  We try and question the pirate captain...

...but the interrogation fails, and Todd broke his leg - an injury which led to Kronk's death.