Howdy folks!

Two...three...carry the a six...three weeks?! It's been almost three weeks since I had a post up here! Holy crap! That's no good! Sorry for being quiet on this front folks, Facebook and Twitter are just easier to keep up with regularly for me!

Have I been busy? You betcha! After the Reaver Titan....

My Armies on Parade display won Gold at Games Workshop: Square One store!

Two waves of Warmachine solo add-ons! Really happy with the High Reclaimer, and I was surprised at how enjoyable Master Holt ended up being to paint!

Finally had a chance to work on one of Forge World's amazing primarch models! Should be working on more of them soon! 

Birdhouses make excellent bases for some quick and easy terrain! 

A Charity Knight Titan benefiting my friends running an event for Toys for Tots!

And I've even found time to start a new army!

I'll be running blogposts on each of these projects for the next couple days, so be sure to stay tuned! Got a lot coming down the pipe too, so keep checking back here, and keep an eye on our Facebook Page and be sure to follow us on Twitter at @SLWargaming!

Thanks folks!
