'It's a mystery to me/the game commences/for the usual fee/plus expenses' - Dire Straits, Private Investigations

This set of figures was another of those impulse buys that are difficult to justify, but seem to happen all to frequently despite it.

In this case, the (somewhat flimsy) justification was that I wanted  needed a character for a possible Cthulhu RPG that one of my friends might be planning, and what better for an investigation than Not Humphrey Bogart here?

He received a tan trenchcoat and red tie to match the famous image from Casablanca. 
The hat should correctly be grey or brown, but I prefer the dark green.

This chap was painted up as some form of aristocrat, possibly a diplomat or similar. 

I spent quite a bit of time trying to work out whether he was supposed to be wearing white tie or morning dress - eventually I picked the latter, since it's closer to what was sculpted.

Grey trousers and a black morning coat are the more formal version of morning dress. A bow tie is of course not correct for morning dress but resculpting it would have been a pain.

The final member of the group; he looks slightly Mafia-ish to me. 

I went with a charcoal/light grey pinstriped suit and yellow tie, I figured it was a fairly versatile look that wouldn't look out of place in town or outside of it.

Now all I need is some kind of eldritch mystery for them to investigate...