Sometimes, spicing things up in a relationship really helps change things around. lets face it, we all love our hobby! There is no shame in that! Hehe. So! How do you spice up your game? Well. I highly recommend KILL TEAM. Small 200point armies, single miniatures facing off in clustered and close confines.

The dataslate, released in digital form really adds a lot. Warlord traits, 6 missions to play, the specialist rules. I suggest you check them out! Make yourself a small kill team, and give it a try. It is refreshing to have a smaller more “tactical” game.

I had the pleasure of playing such a game this past weekend. 4 of us on one table! I played the dark kin of course and this was the list I took:

5 Kabalites, one with a blaster
Venom with dual cannon
5 Reaver Jetbikes.

Bam… done.

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We instituted a house rule. Each turn we rolled off, to determine who would get the initiative… so one turn I got to go first, and the other I got to go second to last… it really kept us on our toes! Lets just say, the dark kin took many slaves home that day. Legion of the Damned, Space Wolves, and Dark Angels!

Have you played Kill Team?
What would you take?
Cheers! - Skari out.