Spent a few more hours over the last couple mornings painting, and finished up the Tech Thralls (more or less).

30 menials sorted out - I'd planned 40, but managed to lose two heads in the build process. Soooooo, 30 it is. Doh!

They got some white cog-tooth patterns around the hems and collars of the stormcoats, and the various power cables given a lick of blue. Next up is getting the static grass in place, followed by giving them a spray matte seal and then a brush-on gloss on the helmet domes.

I spent a little time getting the Ursarax started - the basic Thallax bodies were given a shoulder-mounted volkite, and they'll be getting power fists from the Centurion kit (idea shamelessly stolen from a loving homage to Eye of Error's fantastic builds).

Pulled everything off the shelves to see how it's all coming together and snapped a quick family photo as well. So far so good!