Welcome to the Sunday Editorial. Lots of things in the Hobby and 40k goodliness to talk about. This is is the space that I use to chat about things that mattered to me this week, and what not. Read on IF you DARE… and only if you dare.

4k Subscribers! Youtube channel:

you Can go to the channel HERE.

Shameless plug aside, the channel has been growing at a steady rate. And I am very happy to give back to the community. So I will be doing a giveaway and contest! This will allow folks to win a few things:
Inquisitor and Deamonhost
Vindicator Tank
Dark Eldar Ravager
Dark Eldar Painiting Guide
The video should be up next week.

40k Gaming
I was able to have a game this week! Well, I had the game against the centurion star with the dark eldar, and then I was able to have another game against the Chaos Space Marines and Deamon allies, that have been commanded by Jason. He has not played in a while so he is getting back into the game. I had a lot of fun and it was nice to play 1850 pts with painted minis!

Random Thoughts:
I have to do some work on the Barrie Bash player pack.
I want to work on a Tactica Book that will be released and co-authored with 40k Scribe.
There are a lot of videos that I want to film, work and life are really taking a lot of my time away… but here is to time management!
Contact FrontLineGaming and Sir Games a Lot, and try and get a deal on some FAT mats for the entire tournament in Feb… that would be 16 mats. Hmmm.

Still on my radar, I have to make sure I post up another episode soon… the 2nd foundation of Vengeance! But at Andy Chambers suggestion I have to shorten their verse, and make them more focused.

Battlefleet Gothic:
I want to play more, Love the game! Have to get some of my friends into it… I have the fleets, just need the players.

That is all I have for today. If you have a comment, question, suggestion, army list to talk about, tactical advice you need. Email me skaredcast@gmail.com


Skari - out.