So this is a nice little surprise review.. while at Monte San Savino, I was honored with this from 27Rosso in recognition for what they considered the Best Display in Standard category! I also received a bottle of chili Olive Oil from them, but Mrs Lee has already claimed that as her own!

I thought it would only be fitting to have a look at it here on the blog and give them a shout out!

First off I have to apologize for the condition of the box. It was in my pack which unfortunately took a spill into a fairly large puddle while in Pisa. But nothing got broken ( thankfully! ) and only a bit of water damage on the cardboard of the box.

Fairly easy to see why there was no damage... with all the fluffy packaging inside, and the pieces being inside of plastic bags I think it would take more than a bit of water and a drop out of the back of a car to damage it!

The pieces were segmented into their own little bags. I put everything back into the same bags as it helps to know which goes with what. Though the assembly of the piece will be quite straight forward anyways so that is not fully required.

There are a few mold issues on the main body of the piece. But most ( if not all ) are located at the bottom of the piece so that is fine and easy enough to clean up or hide.

And all the pieces together! The only thing you really need for it is to create your own handle for the lantern. There are a few pieces of flash on some of the smaller pieces ( fingers ) but nothing that a quick hit with some tweezers can't take care of. And the pieces fit nicely and snugly already without much work!

This will be a very cool little (?) piece to paint up at some point. Maybe in time for Halloween next year, and work on it with Junior?

The piece just cries out for some OSL on the face and lantern sections. Though first I would need to find the appropriate socket/plinth for it, and the scene that I want to tell with it. And then focus on the aspects from there. Let's see how it goes.. and see if I can add it to the line up for next years Monte show ;)