So my fellow blogger over at The Eternal Hunt, KrautScientist, recently posted that his blog hit over 300,000 views. If you haven't ever checked him out, clicky the link here or find him in my blog roll, as you definitely should. This man has some insane conversion, painting and hobby skills, and his constructive criticism of my own projects most definitely pushes me to do better. A hearty congratulations are in order for him in providing so much amazing content and well-written articles over such a short time.

After seeing that, I decided to check out my own views and see how things were going on behind the scenes here. All I can say is thank you…I'm amazed at what everyone has read the most of, what's generated the most interest, the searches that have brought people here…everything. I'm blown away at the number of page views that have been generated in the past three and a half years. I mean wow, over 250,000. Seriously, mind blown.

So I thought I'd share with everyone some of the posts that have not only been read the most, but also some that were from the early days that might be new to some folks!

We'll tackle these links Top-5 style. I don't want to spam links, after all.

Most Popular Posts
3 Grey Knight Dreadnought Conversions
Converted Inquisitorial Stormtroopers
Color Theory and Painting Miniatures
A Matter of Opinion: Primer
Pushing Around Green Stuff: Sculpting Chainmail

Older Posts That May be New to New Readers
How Many Bits Does it Take?
Tools of the Trade: Modeling
The "Ooooh, Shiny!" Syndrome
Tools of the Trade: Painting
Why do More Than Just Tabletop Quality?

Ladies, Gentlemen. Thank you. Thank you for sticking with me through the last 3-plus years, and thank you for giving me a shot recently. Thank you for checking out my little corner of the interwebz, and thank you for reading my ramblings, opinions and musings. Thank you for the encouragement, the criticism and the challenges.

Most of all, thanks for all the fish! Here's to another quarter-million and 3 more years!

- Tim