Morning All,

DOC here to announce this years December event.  Last year we had Dreadfull December a month of us painting up Dreadnoughts.  Look up the Dreadfull December label if you want to see what we got up to last year.

So after a little debate.... this year we are going for FORGEMAS

Basically CODE40k members have agreed to paint up Forgeworld models and showcase them on here.  The rules of the game are simple any single forgeworld model from a single character up to lords of war.   At the end of December we will have a vote to see which model is best in the opinion of blogosphere.

But thats not all....This year our local games store Worcester Wargames have also joined in on the action. On the 27th December we invite painters local to Worcester to bring down there painted forgeworld model to compete for the forgemas title.  We will be asking everyone to vote for their favourite model.  We will run two categories amateur and pro meaning painters of all abilities can enter. Voting will kick off at midday.  

As always with these events its just another tool to help us all paint them models we spend so much of our hard earned cash on.

Let the painting commence