The Water Well from Tabletop World continues the parade of high quality casting and super attention to detail.  Here it is painted up in all its dilapidated and mildewed glory.

The cast is extraordinarily thin in the gaps between the base stones so the piece would probably benefit from a permanent mounting base.  Its sturdy enough for my purposes but an extensive scenic base might be in its future.  I was particularly pleased with the well cover which was worked up with GW Technical paints and Secret Weapon washes... and my household secret ingredient... Rustungs Farbe!

 Some 'unboxing' photos.  This is how it looks straight out of the bag.  The close up shows how carefully cleaned these things are... look at the spoked wheel... are remember that I did zero clean up on these.

 Mimi the Radio is looking for cover... or maybe the bad guys!

 Cottage well and Town Square... oh and Mimi!

I spilled a pot of blue paint so the roof became blue... as did the roof of the Blacksmith shop...  making lemonade!

I was thinking about making the mercantile or public buildings blue in general, not all of them but most of them, anyway so...

Finally knocked out the last batch of the Lulus!

Here you get to see the whole swarming herd... or is it a murder?  Either way One-Shot Blondie and Mad Nurse Bernadette have their hands full!

I think I need to cobble together a field school house... and a teacher...hmmm...