Hey all,

Another post, so soon?! YES INDEED!

Ha, well this isn't a new find as I saw it a while back then found it again but for $215 I snagged a shite load of OOP chaos goodies, inc old citadel sprays and paints (hopefully they can be salvaged) and some nifty OOP banners.

From the rest of the ebay pics, it looks like I got

  • A NiB OOP chaos chariot (now $55 retail)
  • 2 sorcerors ( $22-26 retail here)
  • 15 old school paints including some really oop ones.
  • Chaos black spray, old-school
  • glue, lol
  • paintbrushes
  • the OOP banners
  • 7 knights of chaos (5 for $50 here)
  • 3 boxes of OOP chaos warriors ($55 a regiment here)
So yeah, a pretty decent haul even if I have to strip some paint. For those who don't know, I have a thing for OOP chaos warriors as whilst they are a right pain in the gluteal muscles they seem to epitomize chaos rather than 12 similarly posed dudes. If only GW still made these 6th edition era models.

I look forward to them arriving :D