This update is lagging behind.  These Game Session notes were originally from 11.09.2014.

From the Journal of Alexandria Postoak

The group tended to all the bodies on the ships.  Oliver Blessed each of the bodies and we took all items of worth from them before we threw the corpses overboard.


The group agreed that the newly captured ship would be a great thing to use to begin a new adventuring company.


Back in town, the group takes the magical items to get them appraised for 1000 gold.  We split up magical items and try to find some place to get new sails and banners for the ship.  While we try and find new sails we discuss what we are going to do with the treasure.


The next morning we all woke up feeling very nervous.


Blanith went out to hang fliers looking for a new first mate.  He seemed to be very nervous the entire time.


Utho commissioned a new excellent figurehead for the new ship.


We were at the inn having dinner and a strange man was staring at me.  He made it over to our table before I could even stand.  I can't seem to remember who this guy is.  The strange man gave us all something very odd to smoke (like tobacco), which drugged us all.

The man beckons us to follow him to a pier that was empty except fora  small, terribly dirty 13ft boat that looks like it came directly from the ocean floor.

The strange man put on a battered helmet from the boat and we all climbed on board.  The boat heads out to sea quickly.

Hearing splashing around us we looked out and saw a tentacle that is in chains.  It hands Utho a box.  The warlock opened the box and told us all to take a vial.  We all drank one and realized it had the taste of fresh blood.

We see what looks like the night sky around us after the man asks us if we have ever been to space.

The boat splashes down (into warm, loose sand) and we all jumped out.  We step away to avoid the tentacles we thought we saw earlier.

We spotted a large castle in the middle of a desert.  The warlock spent some time yelling at the castle and telling us that his "friend" was in the castle - and the builder of the castle is a "bastard for building it out here."


We all enter and the door seems to vanish behind us.  There is a portal behind us that the Warlock tells us that is not the way out, but goes back to where we came from.

We start down a corridor with the fighters in the lead.  We explore the corridors and its not long until we find a glowing circle in the floor.  Blanith tries to examine the runes but it seems to make him ill, so he steps back.


We venture to another room.  We see statues lining the room.  There are two gargoyles at the end of the room by a door.  We get an odd feeling but we try to open the door anyway.  When I try and open the door, one of the statures reaches out to grab me.

We manage to fight off the gargoyles and regain our composure.  The necklace (with a large gem in it) that was on one of the statues seems to be gone now.  Todd proceeds to try and pull over a statue.

We go through the door to see an elf fighting with two demons.  We kill one of the gargoyles and Blanith leaves one of them Webbed.

We speak with the elf, Eventree.  We ask him how he got there and are told that he went through a portal he should not have.  He says he is from Sigil.  He has an odd quality to him.

The Warlock starts telling the elf that he is trying to get to Sigil.


Eventree tells us the way out is through the seal on the floor.  A giant, shiny black monster comes from the hole in the floor and attacks Blanith.  Utho manages to fall down the stairs.  So we all try and follow...I jump after Blanith.


At the bottom of the stairs, after a very ominous warning of "It is very foolish to think I cannot come after you." we all continue.


Not far from the landing we find a doorway and go through to find a group of three ogres.  We tell them that "Dave sent us."  They let us in and then begin to yell at the shiny black monster, telling him that he "cannot bring the gargoyles down here."  While theya re bickering we makea  run through a set of doors to find five more ogres eating.


We make a run past the table, and down a corridor.  All we can find is a couple of giant ogres cheering on a lone ogre with a giant stick weapon that is fighting with a man that holds a flaming sword.

With so many ogres chasing us, we try and run down the otehr hall towards teh ogre and the man with the flaming sword.  The Warlock sets fire to teh hallway, blocking the pathway so the golem and the other ogres could not pass.

Blanith Webs one fo the ogres and puts the other two to Sleep.  The man with the flaming sword yells something, then the webbed ogre burst into flames.


The warrior introduces himself as Rahanu, then prays to his god Tempus to help us through the gate.