It had begun on the icy steppes of Kislev, when the ageing seer had cast the bones onto the dying embers of the fire. The call had gone forth across the Old World for Warriors strong and brave to undertake a most terrible quest. The risks were great, but the potential rewards would be unimaginable.
Many famous Warrior bands took up the challenge, and a great throng gathered to hear the prophecy at the appointed time and place. An expectant hush fell over the crowd. The biting wind whistled through the bare, black trees, the only sound save the crackling and spitting of the last few chunks of wood on the fire. After many minutes, the seer threw back her hood and shrieked the words of her prophecy in a cracked and soul-chilling voice.
The prophecy foretold the ascendancy of a great Orc Warboss, and of a coming time of carnage and death. “Nothing is ever certain,” the crone had cackled to the assembled throng of Warriors. “All the bones can tell is what might be. Bring me the head of the Warboss before the passing of 12 moons, and calamity may be avoided.” With that, she bowed her head and was silent.

The hunt for Gorgut is possible as of now! I just finished the paintjob for the Warboss. I thought it would be a nice idea to give him a look in the vein of the old metal model yet still in line with the rest of the other Orcs. So he got the same weapons and a similar looking helmet as the old one. I even gave him a cloak which is rather unusual equipment for an Orc these days. But since it gave room for a free hand featuring his coat of arms I think it worked out pretty well. And of course he had to climb on a rock to let every other miniature know that he is important.

Gorgut - Warboss of the Black Fang Orc tribe.

Gorgut – Warboss of the Black Fang Orc tribe.

The old and the new share some equipment.

The old and the new share some equipment.

Gorgut's gloomy lair awaits!

Gorgut’s gloomy lair awaits!

And now for something related. I would like to promote the vinyl mats two guys recently came up with. It’s just great that there are still a lot of people around (almost 20 years after the release of WHQ) who are still working on fanstuff. As far as I know it was little monk and Alberto who created these wonderful gaming aids. Since I did not plan to build anything for the adventures outside of the dungeon there certainly was the need for something posh like these vinyl mats. Thanks for the effort guys!
Order them here (from Spain)! The waiting for the parcel took some time but it arrived safe and sound here in Germany. Looking forward to use the mats during the next gaming session. I bet it’s much more fun to give the events outside of the dungeon a proper visual experience, too.

There's a lot to do after an exhausting trip to the dungeons of the Old World.

There’s a lot to do after an exhausting trip to the dungeons of the Old World.

The Barbarian and the Dwarf can easily agree on the most important building.

The Barbarian and the Dwarf can easily agree on the most important building.

You can also buy small sheets for the other Adventurers such as the Halfling Thief.

You can also buy small sheets for the other Adventurers such as the Halfling Thief.