We are in the final throws of Infinity N2 and the cusp of N3.  ITS 2014 is a few short weeks left in it and then start of ITS 2015.  G&S is having their final N2 tournament on December 13th.  I am actually kinda excited about the changes.

November has been crazy busy at both work and the house.  I haven't had much time for the hobby between life and a few video games.  I have started back at painting my Tohaa and working and a few other models I have picked up.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday deal abounds.  I did hit Miniature Market but missed the only item I really wanted which was the Geckos.  I did pick out something to finish a secret project I have been working on.  Not that it's that secret but I wanted to spring it on the guys at the last tournament of N2 and ITS2014.  Not sure if everything will work again with the changes in N3.

N3 is a little over a week before it ships.  I ordered a copy and should get it around Christmas/New Years.  I really can't wait.   G&S has a pretty good following and I can only see it grow with N3.  Only three of us jump around with different armies.  It should be cool to see what each of us try out with the change.

I guess by New Years we will have a lot to talk about.