On the tabletop is there anything more destructive (and satisfying) then the autocannon/20 weapon? 

Able to shear limbs off light mechs with a single hit, while putting the hurt on both heavy and assault mechs at the same time the AC 20 is like a PPC on steroids.

But of course such power has a price- in terms of game design there are some elements of it tactically to try and keep it “fair”.

Ammunition, range, and to a lesser degree heat.

Many mechs only carry a few round of the heavy ammunition and in a normal once off game or battle scenario this isn’t much of an issue, however in a campaign setting ammunition management needs to be considered. For many of us this won’t be an issue…

Heat is manageable at 7 points for all but prolonged and extended combat- which in theory should not be an issue since the 20 points of damage put out per hit will settle things pretty quickly.

Which means it all comes down to range, and you as the MechWarrior to control the range to make this weapon work- short is 1-3, medium 4-6, and long is 7-9.

Terrain is the HUGE factor in bringing out the fear in the AC/20. If you happen to find yourself on a citytech type of board then try and hide your smile.

But if all you have between your AC/20 mech and that incoming lance is some light trees and small hill, then what?

In Battletech we try and control the modifiers to give us the best chance to hit- movement, range, targeting, etc. while limiting our opponent’s modifiers such as speed as best we can- that said when its’ time to make that attack it comes down to the dice.

With the AC/20 we need to plan to take advantage of what happens when we both hit and miss. To get close enough to deliver the AC/20 punch you are going to need to keep your lance close together and be aggressive with the AC/20 mech (or mechs). There is no cat-and-mouse or cloak-and-dagger theatrics with such a mech- pick the best approach (read terrain) and head in.

Now, of course the opposing mechs are going to be shooting at you- they have to- can’t let that ’20 mech get close, so the tactical question is what are you going to take advantage of about it. Every shot that goes against your AC armed mech, hit or miss (hopefully miss) is one less shot against your other mechs. As long as the AC mech is up and mobile it is a threat- look at how positioning your other mechs can get you into a better firing position with them on the table.

Light/scout mechs are a natural combination with an AC mech since they have the speed to take advantage of the threat behind the autocannon.

And finally, what is your plan when you get to point blank range and start opening up with the ’20?
Sound Battletech doctrine (and for the most part all mini-wargaming doctrine) states that you keep shooting at a unit or model until it is dead or removed from play.

My experience from usually running a Hunchback mech or 1-2 AC 20 mechs is a little different…
I find it is better to hit a mech and rely on the killing or crippling blow of the round to hit, and then engage another fresh target since what is already hit (with the exception of some of the higher heavy or assault end mechs) can then more easily be finished off with my other mechs.

The AC 20 is going to only be around for so long, so I want to spread the love around…

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