The latest in the Horus Heresy Hobby.

Every week I bring you the latest amazing hobby progress from the Horus Heresy Forums, the premier online Heresy gaming community.

Minister of Pork

MoP shows off his amazing Thanatar, which is bonded to his Death Guard. He does this the model justice, it's well worth checking out the rest of the pictures.


Aximand continues the great progress he's been making on his Ultramarines. Check out the link to see the Praetor he also completed, based on Forge World's Asterion Moloc model.

White Wolf

Like so many members of the forum, White Wolf has decided to collect a second legion from the opposite faction. WW has chosen Ultramarines, being inspired by the great novels of the Horus Heresy from Balck Library. Check out the rest of his miniatures on the forums here.


Mordian has finished painting his converted Ursarax Cohort. He's been working on these for quite some time, and it's great to see the final product. Check out these, and the rest of his work here.


Panzerfaust completes the big bad, Horus Lupercal. Simple, yet extremely intimidating! Check out his growing force here, it includes some great conversion work for a Seeker squad.


Raglan has added a couple of Rapier's to his force, included the Laser Destroyer above. Check out the other on the forum.


Bauhaus has completed three Contemptor Dreadnoughts for his Emperor's Children. Check them out here.


One of my favourite conversions of the year, Mike, has produced an amazing Forge Lord model for his Alpha Legion. Check out the full post here, in which he takes us through the entire process.

Sigismund's Ghost

New member, Sigismund's Ghost, shows off his Clan Vulgaan of the Iron Hands. Check out the entire force on the forums.

Have your own models you'd like to share with the community? Sign up to the forums and share your own Hobby Progress.
