As the cover page suggests I’ve assembled yet another kit but this time I couldn’t make it to the priming session. I feel like I’m hitting the mark when spraying outside will be impossible due to winter conditions and I’ll be able to focus on painting stuff individually. But before that happens, I wanted to work on the kits that need some putty work and get as many of them ready as possible. Check out the progress thus far and a tally of waiting models after the jump.
The weather report insisted that we were supposed to get nice sunshine during Saturday but instead it turned into a precursor of a large rainstorm with lots of clouds and a few droplets that scared me a bit. However with a quick burst of the primer can I covered all the assembled models that needed primer and now I’m good to go with them. There is the occasional area that did not get hit by the can but that’s of very little concern since I have a healthy supply of Abaddon Black stashed.
![I can safely say this is the best primed model among the kits. I'm still getting the hang of spray priming I guess, but I had a good coverage here without obscuring detail.](
![10 daemons, one banner bearer. Did not opt to use a champion head, I think it's way too ugly since it's big for the model's body. I'm still uncertain about the banner... maybe I'll magnetize both variants.](
![These guys still expect paint. Notice the muted color on them. I think my primer really died and I won't be using that batch of Imperial Primer again.](
![On this kit I was afraid I'd cover details by overspraying but this time I get faded coverage on some surfaces. This will need a little correction.](
![Another kit I was afraid of ruining. Thanks to Vallejo's nice little can I got great coverage where I was bold and will be able to work unhindered.](
![I wanted this guy to go along with the other CSM Terminators but got a little excited and primed him by hand. The base is spray primed.](
![All kits safely tucked away in some larger boxes. The only way to keep them away from dust at the moment.](
I finally managed to assemble the Spawn after much deliberation. There are just so many pieces to pick from! But I made up my mind and put the two together. Now I need to correct errors with Green Stuff and they will be ready for primer.
![Tried both bases for display. I think with a good application of cork I can fit both creatures on the 40k bases.](
![Here's the favorite. With favorite I mean I stuck the "best looking" bits on the creature. not very visible but I also cut off the stupid bit under the left foot, I'll either leave it in the air or adjust the cork pile to show as if the Spawn is advancing uphill.](
![Multiside view commencing... now.](
![The other spawn I put together from a variety of pieces. The head is obviously Nurgle-esque with the imagery of three, the claw is reminiscent of Slaanesh and the left arm has Tzeentchian feathers on it. I guess the spikes could represent Khorne. Truly a blessed one here.](
![I attached the bulging eye to the side. I'll work on a nice Sauron-like eye on this one. Hope I can reach it with my brush.](
![Another eye attached behind. I guess the guy... *puts on shades*... keeps an eye out.](
And with that I have brought together a huge pile of minis already primed or ready for priming and painting. These are:
- Maulerfiend
- Trygon
- Mutalith Vortexbeast
- CSM Terminator Lord
- Warp Talons
- Bloodletters of Khorne
- Nurglings
- Possessed Marines
I was planning on adding the Aspiring Champion, the Spawn, Obliterators and the Varghulf to this list but that didn’t happen as some of the kits require a bit more planning and Green Stuff work which I don’t want to rush. They’re small enough to be primed by brush if I get to them during the hard times. With around 30 different models to prime and paint I think I’ll have enough on my hands to last through winter! And that should change the palette of this corner here for good before the end of the year. Was getting bored of the bare plastic grey and black primer anyhow.
For some of the kits in the list I want to put together step by step painting tutorials as well. This should work just as much for me too since it’s a great way of keeping track of my paint scheme. So stay tuned and watch out for updates in this corner!
Filed under: Black Legion, Chaos Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, Spawn, Updates, WIP Tagged: assembly, black legion, chaos space marines, chaos spawn, daemons, miniature hobby, warhammer40k, WIP