These notes are originally from 11.16.2014.

From the Journal of Alexandra Postoak


The group passes through the gate and continues on.  The golem still stands on the other side of the fire waiting to come after us.  Blanith cast Magic Missile at it to try and rid us of his presence.

We come upon a room that is filled with skeletons that wield swords.  As we move into the room all of the skeletons move toward us.  We take quite a beating from the skeletons but we manage to smash all of them.


We all discuss our next move.  Blanith casts Detect Magic on the room and the only thing that seems to glow, aside from us, is the door.  We all want to rest but the Warlock tells us that we don't have time.


Warwick sneaks through the door to look at what else there might be.  The rest of the group hears a voice saying "Intruders!  And I didn't even order a meal delivered!"

When Warwick comes back and tells us he saw a man in a parlor with an Alphatian slave, we continue into the chamber and talk with the odd-looking man.

We end up buying the slave girl for 300 gold.  She seems to be having trouble walking from the zzonga, so Blanith helps her along while we continue down the hall to the next door.


Behind the door we find a man behind a fire pit, standing in a magic circle.  There are three magical items on the outside of the circle, and each of them together reads:

"Unravel to Travel,
Be Swift and Be Gone;

With Arcane Words,
A Dweomer Unravels;

The Absence of Dark,
A Power that Travels."

The wizards manage to free the man in the circle by casting spells on the stones.  He says the last place he remembers was being in Waterdeep.  he decides to come with our group.  All of us continue to the next door.  Blanith peeks in and spots two ghouls, then quickly shuts the door.  Warwick decides to go in and look around.

He sees five ghouls in one room and a dragon in the other.  he comes back and tells us that he saw the ghouls and a blue dragon.

We go in to fight the ghouls.  Several of us are paralyzed quickly, but the group manages to destroy the ghouls.  Everyone waits until the paralysis wears off.


We head down the hallway toward the dragon.  We talk with him and he tells us that we should not enter the room without the key to open his manacles.  He tells us that he is guarding the tower of Caiustaius, which is linked to the tower bridgeway.


He tells us that the vampire we are looking for is Mandros, the odd-looking man we saw earlier.  We go back to look in the ghoul pit.  Blanith goes in and finds quite a bit of platinum, gold and copper.


Warwick wanders off again back down the hallways to look for the vampires.  He sees a cloud of smoke behind him then yells to us "It's a trap!"  He sees the vampires and skeletons.  He pours oil on the chair in the parlor and climbs up on top of a bookcase just in time to see a large pack of wolves.

Borion of Waterdeep destroys all of the skeletons, the majority of the wolves and the weaker vampire with a Fire Ball but the spell bounces back and maims the party.

The remaining vampire manages to cast Charm on me, and I turn and kill Rahanu.  I then attack the wizard Borion.


The vampire vanishes into a cloud of smoke and Blanith Webs me.

The wizards Dispel the Charm on me, and Blanith binds the wounds on Eventree and Rahanu.


Todd decides to go be ignorant and shoot at the dragon, then run away.  Todd then comes back as we all decide to go after the vampire.  He receives a very unfriendly welcome back.

We go to look in the vampire's study, but don't see anyone there.  Inside the room we find an evil-looking magic skull and a key in a box (that poisoned Blanith).  Blanith searches more and finds a secret door.

Inside we find a coffin and two treasure chests.  We go in and slay the vampire.  We find a magical sword, and a lot of coins.


We find several interesting books and a map in the study.


We give the key to Warwick, and he goes to free the dragon.  The dragon introduces himself as Magarastu, and says he wants to join us.  Then we continue on.


Our party (dragon and all) continues deeper into the dungeon.  A group of skeletons and powerful looking guy wait for us. 

Magarastu crushes a large number of the skeletons and the ominous looking man.  I am killed by a lightning bolt from one of the wizards.

The group destroys the rest of the wizards, and Rahanu Raises me from the dead.


We continue on.  Soon we come upon a room full of wizards.  While fighting the wizards, I'm Charmed once again.  I'm told to stop the dragon.  While I continue to try and stop the dragon from going, the others fight the wizards.  They manage to defeat them.  We collect all the magical items from the wizards.


We enter a room to find what the Warlock tells us is the Configuration Machine to the Vortex below.  He seems very interested in the machine and asks if his friend is inside.  A shadow came out that Sheen says is "part of his friend".


The dragon tells us there are three activations of the machine.  We can use the Rod to reset the thing.

From in the room behind us we hear "Wand of Lightning!"